Hennepin County MN Forensic Science Building
The utilities measured a 34.8% efficiency improvement after installing Hydromx®.
The addition of Hydromx to the run-around loop qualified for both gas and electricity rebates, with a project payback period of just under ten months.
The Hennepin County Forensic Crime Lab is one of six accredited crime labs in Minnesota. It offers
forensic DNA, firearms testing, a fingerprint database, processing a crime scene and other forensic
Hennepin County installed a heat recovery loop in the Forensic Science Building in early 2018. Thanks to various chemicals in the building and the services provided, the building is heated and cooled with 100% outside air. Normally this is a costly way to condition a building. The facility operates 24/7 and has 14,000 CFM of outdoor air and 11,000 CFM of exhaust air through the heat recovery coils.
After hearing about Hydromx's efficiency gains over glycol, Hennepin County decided to switch from glycol to Hydromx to improve energy recovery performance.
CenterPoint Energy, the natural gas company, assessed Hydromx's performance at the end of the analysis period. Energy engineers calculated the effectiveness of the heat recovery coils during both heating and cooling seasons. After installing Hydromx, the effectiveness of the heat recovery batteries improved by 34.8%.
CenterPoint and Xcel Energy, the electric utility, reviewed the performance improvement and the addition of Hydromx to the continuous loop eligible for both gas and electricity rebates. The cooling savings resulted in a $514 rebate from Xcel Energy. The heating rebate should have been $1,213; however, it was “capped” at $321 due to CenterPoint's one-year minimum wage package cap on natural gas savings. These savings resulted in a project payback period of just under ten months.
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SVL, Inc. is a representative of a midwestern equipment manufacturer with over 50 years of delivering
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aytech, Inc. is one of the largest and most innovative independent suppliers of water management
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